Computer Hardware | Office Automation | Telephony Solutions

All you Office Equipment

Computer and ICT Equipment

Confidence in Brands and Products

As an ICT supplier we have developed confidence in not only a specific brand and product.

We have been open minded and through a selection process guided by criteria relevant and importent to out client base have selected the hardware and Software companies that meet those criteria.

Our guidlines include:

- Manufacturing Quality
- Warranty Period
- Product Range
- Value for Money
- After Sale Services
- Replacement Parts Availibility

First Hand Info, Product Knowledge and Support

We have developed a relationship with these companies that enables us to get first hand info, product knowledge and support.

Our product range include a wide spectrum of ICT solutions:

- Networking – Wired and WiFi
- Personal and Business Computer Systems
- Laptops & Tablets
- Printers & 3D Printers
- Office Equipment – Copiers, Shredders, Laminating Equipment
- PBX and Telco Hardware
- Projectors and Presentation Equipment
- Monitors and LCD TVs
- Servers, Data Center Equipment
- Routers, Switches, Rack Caninets.

Computers | Servers | Laptops | Tablets | POS Systems

Branded Systems

We have made a conscious decision to supply only the best quality hardware in computer technology.

We supply Dell, Intel and HP servers to medium and large enterprises and with the support from these renowned companies. We have been able to keep our customers file and database infrastructure up with no downtime.

We also supply Desktop and Laptops systems from Lenovo, Acer, Toshiba, HP, Samsung, Dell and Apple.

Custom Systems

We realize that every customer is unique and we therefore also specialize in custom build systems.

These systems can be customized for regular office, rendering and gaming applications.

We supply only A-grade components with performance and reliability as the main focus.

Printers | Copiers | Shredders | Lamination | Money Counters | Binding Systems

Office Equipment for every size office and environment

They say don’t work harder – Work smarter!

We supply all the office automation equipment you could think of.

Our systems include every tool to make your business run smooth and cost effective.

PBX Systems | VoIP | Mobile

We supply and install PBX and Phone systems according to your unique requirements.

Our systems are build on the latest cutting edge technology, offering scalability and customization so it can grow with you.